wok-next rev 14328

Up: enlightenment (
author Dominique Corbex <domcox@slitaz.org>
date Fri Apr 12 19:23:54 2013 +0200 (2013-04-12)
parents 0941341ce316
children d8e8e6421a2c
files enlightenment/receipt enlightenment/stuff/etc/enlightenment/sysactions.conf
line diff
     1.1 --- a/enlightenment/receipt	Fri Apr 12 19:17:52 2013 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/enlightenment/receipt	Fri Apr 12 19:23:54 2013 +0200
     1.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     1.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     1.6  PACKAGE="enlightenment"
     1.7 -VERSION="0.17.1"
     1.8 +VERSION=""
     1.9  CATEGORY="x-window"
    1.10  SHORT_DESC="Enlightenment window manager (E17)."
    1.11  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
    1.12 @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
    1.13  	# Adding WM to SLIM available sessions.
    1.14  	if ! echo "$res" | grep -q enlightenment; then
    1.15  		echo -n "Adding enlightenment to /etc/slim.conf..."
    1.16 -		sed -i "s/^sessions.*/sessions            ${res},enlightenment/" \
    1.17 +		sed -i "s/^sessions.*/sessions            enlightenment,${res}xs/" \
    1.18  			/etc/slim.conf
    1.19  		status
    1.20  	fi
    1.21 @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
    1.22  post_remove()
    1.23  {
    1.24  	# Remove WM from SLIM available sessions.
    1.25 -	if grep -q e17 $1/etc/slim.conf; then
    1.26 -		sed -i s/,e17// $1/etc/slim.conf
    1.27 +	if grep -q enlightenment $1/etc/slim.conf; then
    1.28 +		sed -i s/enlightenment,// $1/etc/slim.conf
    1.29  	fi
    1.30  }
     2.1 --- a/enlightenment/stuff/etc/enlightenment/sysactions.conf	Fri Apr 12 19:17:52 2013 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/enlightenment/stuff/etc/enlightenment/sysactions.conf	Fri Apr 12 19:23:54 2013 +0200
     2.3 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     2.4  # This is a system configuration for allowing or denying certain users or
     2.5  # groups to be able to do certain actions that involve system restricted
     2.6  # actions such as halt, reboot, suspend, hibernate etc.
     2.7 -# 
     2.8 +#
     2.9  # This file is read in order from top to bottom - the first rule to MATCH
    2.10  # will be used for a user or a group, and nothing after that is read.
    2.11  #
    2.12 @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
    2.13  # Any action definitons after a rule match has been found will be ignored.
    2.14  # This allows actions to be re-defined for different user groups, so matches
    2.15  # so the command for an action can change for matches to the rules later on.
    2.16 -# 
    2.17 +#
    2.18  # Any user or group NOT matched by an allow or a deny will be ALLOWED to
    2.19  # perform the action by default (system administrators should be aware of
    2.20  # this and implement whatever policies they see fit). Generally speaking
    2.21 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
    2.22  # to perform these actions, thus the default of allow. For multi-user systems
    2.23  # the system administrator is considerd capable enough to restrict what they
    2.24  # see they need to.
    2.25 -# 
    2.26 +#
    2.27  # A WARNING to admins: do NOT allow access for users to this system remotely
    2.28  # UNLESS you fully trust them or you have locked down permissions to halt/reboot
    2.29  # suspend etc. here first. You have been warned.
    2.30 @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
    2.31  # etc.
    2.32  #
    2.33  # user and group name can use glob matches (* == all for example) like the
    2.34 -# shell. as can action names allowed or denied. 
    2.35 +# shell. as can action names allowed or denied.
    2.37 -action:   halt      /sbin/halt
    2.38 -action:   reboot    /sbin/reboot
    2.39 -#action:   suspend   /etc/acpi/sleep.sh force
    2.40 -#action:   hibernate /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh force
    2.41 +action:   halt      poweroff
    2.42 +action:   reboot    reboot
    2.43 +action:   suspend   /usr/sbin/pm-suspend
    2.44 +action:   hibernate /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate
    2.46  # root is allowed to do anything - but it needs to be here explicitly anyway
    2.47  user:     root      allow: *
    2.48 @@ -70,4 +70,4 @@
    2.49  # user:     another    allow:  suspend hibernate
    2.50  # deny everyone else by default
    2.51  user:     *         deny:  *
    2.52 -user:     hacker    allow: *
    2.53 +user:     tux       allow: *