wok annotate puzzles/stuff/games.desktop.mk @ rev 7239

Fixed wanted linux receipts to remove modules that are in modules-VERSION.list if they exist in other packages.
author Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@gmail.com>
date Sat Nov 13 03:27:43 2010 +0000 (2010-11-13)
rev   line source
erjo@6070 1 [Desktop Entry]
erjo@6070 2 Type=Application
erjo@6070 3 Encoding=UTF-8
erjo@6070 4 Name=%%NAME%%
erjo@6070 5 Exec=%%EXEC%%
erjo@6070 6 Icon=%%ICONS%%
erjo@6070 7 Terminal=false
erjo@6070 8 Categories=Application;Game;