- Add firmware-rtlwifi2012-12-23, by Richard Dunbar
- sdcc may use gcc 4.6.32012-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Up sdcc (3.2.0)2012-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Add gputils2012-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Add libacpi2012-12-21, by Pascal Bellard
- busybox: error free nfs-segfault.u2012-12-21, by Richard Dunbar
- Up cherrytree (0.28.5)2012-12-21, by Pascal Bellard
- busybox: fix nfs mount (bug 26)2012-12-21, by Richard Dunbar
- merge branches2012-12-21, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Added math libraries: CoCoALib, gf2x, NTL, PARI/GP as dependencies for Giac/Xcas (which is broken this time)2012-12-21, by Aleksej Bobylev
- xorg-xf86-input-synaptics: add new synaptics.conf2012-12-21, by Richard Dunbar
- Add cherrytree: A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file.2012-12-21, by Aleksej Bobylev
- galculator: try to fix patching (again)2012-12-21, by Aleksej Bobylev
- galculator: try to fix patching; lxappearance, gsynaptics: tidy gtk+ depends2012-12-21, by Aleksej Bobylev
- galculator: up 2.0.12012-12-21, by Aleksej Bobylev
- gmp: enable C++ support (provide libgmpxx)2012-12-20, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Fixed Typo2012-12-20, by Brenton Scott
- Added DBD::SQlite2012-12-20, by Brenton Scott
- Up sqlite (, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux/iso2exe: add loram support2012-12-18, by Pascal Bellard
- xorg-xf86-input-synaptics: update depends2012-12-18, by Richard Dunbar
- xorg-xf86-input-synaptics: update build depends2012-12-17, by Richard Dunbar
- get-OpenOffice3: small fixes2012-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Up xorg-xf86-input-synaptics (1.6.2)2012-12-17, by Richard Dunbar
- Add mtdev2012-12-17, by Richard Dunbar