- vlc: generate /var/lib/dbus/machine-id2011-03-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: m4 to, by Christopher Rogers
- Removed all TARBALL, SRC_WANTED, and some BUILD_DEPENDS in wanted receipts. There not needed to be update.2011-03-02, by Christopher Rogers
- Updated avidemux, xorg-xrdb, cairo, and weechat depends.2011-03-02, by Christopher Rogers
- Updated gegl, rdesktop, slim, slim-pam, slock, startup-notification, and tint2 depends.2011-03-02, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: sudo to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: urxvt to 9.10.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Updated libgtkhtml, opensp-dev, wine, x11vnc, xdotool , xtrkcad depends.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Update ddd, fltk, fltk-2.0.x, and fluxbox depends.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Updated conky, xcircuit, xpad depends.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: swig to, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed xpat2 to not need xorg and xorg-dev. Add xorg-libX11, xorg-libXt, and xorg-libXaw to xpat2 depends.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Added xorg-libXp and xorg-libXmu to xruskb depends. Doesn't need xorg and xorg-dev anymore.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed xterm to not depend on xorg and xorg-dev. Added xorg-libXt and xorg-libXaw to xterm depends.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Fix links. It only needed xorg-libXt-dev not xorg-dev.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Add libexif to libexif-dev depends.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Merge2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Merge2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed lxlauncher to not need any soft links. Even though we don't add stuff/background.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- strigi: update BUILD_DEPENDS2011-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- exif, links, mcrypt: update build_depends2011-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- othello: get tarball from slitaz mirror2011-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: thunderbird to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: firefox-langpack-zh_TW to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: firefox-langpack-zh_CN to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: firefox-langpack-fr to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: firefox to, by Christopher Rogers
- gcompris needs perl-texi2html to compile2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- arora, atm-tools, bird, bmpanel2, cgoban, djmount, dwm, echinus, fail2ban, fbida, fotoxx: update BUILD_DEPENDS2011-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- gtksourceview, gyrus, icewm, kino, libcanberra, libstroke, linphone, linuxdcpp: update BUILD_DEPENDS2011-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- masqmail, mplayer-svn, nagios-nrpe, notify-python, openvas-administrator, openvas-client, openvas-manager, openvas-scanner, perl-xml-entities, pgadmin, python-ipy: update BUILD_DEPENDS2011-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- foomatic-db-engine, realvnc-viewer, scribus, vlc, xfce4-taskmanager, xfmpc, xfprint, xpad: update BUILD_DEPENDS2011-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Fixed locale-fr.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed locale-zh_TW.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed slitaz-i18n locale-pack.functions script.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- slitaz-configs doesn't have root so there is no need to chmod root.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- kqemu is depredicated2011-03-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: ncurses to 5.8.2011-03-01, by Christopher Rogers
- Add COOK_OPT=!fs to fix util-linux-ng with tazwok, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: xvidcore to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: samba to, by Christopher Rogers
- ophcrack needs qmake to compile2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- remmina-plugins needs intltool to compile2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- fix pmount: needs intltool to compile2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- lyx needs -j1 to install2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- gnomad2 needs intltool to compile2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix gob2: add bdep flex2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- Review libsdl receipt2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- splint needs -j1 to compile2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- Up: tazwok 4.2.22011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- libffcall needs -j1 to compile2011-03-01, by Antoine Bodin
- iproute2: add flex in BUILD_DEPENDS2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- iproute2: add bison in BUILD_DEPENDS2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- gtk+: add bash in BUILD_DEPENDS2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- gtk+: add wget in BUILD_DEPENDS2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- busybox: wget speedup2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- virtualbox-ose: add wget in BUILD_DEPENDS2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- chess3d: get sources from slitaz mirror2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- mono: add perl in BUILD_DEPENDS2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- qemu, tcc: add perl in BUILD_DEPENDS2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- libdrm-mach64: do not use host kernel version2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: dnsmasq to 2.57.2011-02-28, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: iw to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: fluxbox to, by Christopher Rogers
- Fix an error which prevented libwebkit to be signaled as broken2011-02-28, by Antoine Bodin
- libwebkit needs -j1 to install2011-02-28, by Antoine Bodin
- chess3d: ensure files are downloaded2011-02-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: orage to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: xfce4-mixer to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: xfce4-panel to, by Christopher Rogers
- Fix screen/screen-pam2011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- Merge2011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- ptlib needs flex to compile2011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- Up: clutter to, by Christopher Rogers
- Made lighttpd and lighttpd-ssl only backup vhosts.conf and lighttpd.conf in /etc/lighttpd folder. Doesn't need to backup full /etc/lighttpd folder cause only those files would be affected.2011-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: mono to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: libgdiplus to 2.10.2011-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: tor to, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed rapidsvn. It needs python to build.2011-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed typos in nagios depends.2011-02-27, by Christopher Rogers
- Fix gcompris receipt: It dont build on my local env without full BUILD_DEPENDS and it alwas cook without perl-texi2html2011-02-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- Oups... fix lxlauncher again!2011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- pidgin-libnotify needs intltool to compile2011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix bdeps: parole needs intltool to compile2011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix xfmedia using patches to make it support exo 0.62011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- Add: htmldoc 1.8.272011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- Add: youtube-dl 2001.02.25c2011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- coreutils-command, coreutils-file-summarize: restore busybox links in port_remove()2011-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- beep, bind-client, bridge-utils: restore busybox links in port_remove()2011-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- udhcpc6-fake, util-linux-ng-blkid, xz: restore busybox links in port_remove()2011-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- kbd, lzma, ncursesw, netatalk-pam, pciutils, postfix, procps: restore busybox links in port_remove()2011-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- Fix lxlauncher infinite loop. lxlauncher can be unblocked on tank bb after getting this commit.2011-02-27, by Antoine Bodin
- dosfstools, e2fsprogs, gmime: restore busybox links in port_remove()2011-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- cups, depmod, diffutils: restore busybox links in port_remove()2011-02-27, by Pascal Bellard
- Fixed lincity-ng.2011-02-26, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: dropbear to 0.53.2011-02-26, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed slitaz-i18n. It need to look for install folder instead of _pkg folder with the new tazwok.2011-02-26, by Christopher Rogers
- Fix libnjb deps2011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix libmtp deps2011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix: libgtkimageview TARBALL/WGET_URL... If you had error './configure not found', you have to remove the corrupted tarball from SOURCES_REPOSITORY, named gtkimageview-1.6.4.taz.lzma2011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix: gtkdatabox compile_rules()2011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- Review libqwt5-qt42011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix tor WGET_URL & review receipt2011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix: gcompris build depends2011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- Add: perl-texi2html 1.822011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- nqc needs -j1 to compile2011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix cherokee WGET_URL2011-02-26, by Antoine Bodin
- Up: libtaz 1.0.12011-02-25, by Antoine Bodin
- Fixed polkit category.2011-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed nagios-dev category.2011-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed rsnapshot category.2011-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed vzquota category.2011-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed ovz-web-panel category.2011-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- Add lm-sensors2011-02-25, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: cherokee to, by Christopher Rogers
- Updated tazchroot to use slitaz-dev-tools.2011-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- Updated mirror-tools to use slitaz-dev-tools.2011-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- Updated tazwikiss to use slitaz-dev-tools.2011-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- Updated libtaz to use slitaz-dev-tools.2011-02-25, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: libisofs to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: libburn to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: audacious-plugins to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: audacious to, by Christopher Rogers
- subersion: fix DEPENDS (based on last pkg from tank)2011-02-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add: slitaz-fbsplash (Graphical boot utility and theme2011-02-25, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix ruby-pkgconfig compile_rules()2011-02-25, by Antoine Bodin
- Up: tazwok 4.2.12011-02-25, by Antoine Bodin
- mk-livestatus needs -j1 to install2011-02-25, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix gnustep-back deps/bdeps2011-02-24, by Antoine Bodin
- Up slitaz-boot-scripts (4.0)2011-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add gcompris (9.5) - For my sun :-)2011-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fixed taglib for new mixxx. Up: mixxx to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: wordpress to 3.1.2011-02-24, by Christopher Rogers
- Add libshout.2011-02-24, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed tazdev again.2011-02-24, by Christopher Rogers
- Fix: tazdev receipt2011-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- slitaz-dev-tools is now a meta package2011-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add: tazdev (now in slitaz-dev-tools repo)2011-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazlito (4.0) - Use new files path2011-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: bluez to 4.89.2011-02-23, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: cherokee to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: bluefish to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: postfix to, by Christopher Rogers
- Fix tazchroot receipt2011-02-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazwok 4.22011-02-24, by Antoine Bodin
- Put tazchroot stuff into wok2011-02-24, by Antoine Bodin
- Put libtaz stuff into wok2011-02-24, by Antoine Bodin
- Add dokuwiki.2011-02-23, by Christopher Rogers
- tazwok: remove tazchroot in DEPENDS (fix tazwok chroot loop)2011-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- mirror-tools: fix stuff/2011-02-23, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix: extract linuxqq source tgz2011-02-23, by Liu Peng
- Fix dep: cairo-dock-plugins2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Add: wbar22011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix bdeps: crosstool needs flex & cvs to compile2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Remove nvidia from gnustep-back depends2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix ebtables compile_rules (again)2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Automated merge with http://hg.slitaz.org/wok2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix genplg_rules() of gitmail2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Got btrfs-progs to compile. Couldn't compile btrfs-convert though.2011-02-22, by Christopher Rogers
- Fix gnustep-base compile_rules()2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Add: libdrm-mach64 201101092011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- fix deps: btrfs-progs depends on acl2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- fix deps: bygfoot depends on acl2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- fix bdeps: cairo-dock-plugins needs cmake to compile2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- fix bdeps: cairo-clock needs intltool to compile2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- fix bdeps: crosstool-ng needs bison to compile2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- fix bdeps: devilspie needs intltool to compile2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- fix djmount compile_rules(): needs -j1 to compile & install2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- (try to) fix dmraid compile_rules() (again)2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- (try to) fix dmraid compile_rules()2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix droid-font tarball download2011-02-23, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix compile_rules() for ebtables2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix compile_rules() for ecm2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix: evilvte needs -j1 to compile2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix bdeps: evince needs intltool to compile2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix compile_rules() for gcc32011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix compile_rules() for gitmail2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix bdeps: wget is needed to d/l from https (glpi)2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix bdeps: gnustep packages needs gnustep-make to compile2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix bdeps: gobby needs intltool to compile2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix bdeps: graveman needs intltool to compile2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix compile_rules() in gtk-engines-rezlooks2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Remove an uneeded 'report step' into linux receipt (tazwok get-src output one itself)2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix-bdep: imagination needs intltool to compile2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Fix-dep: tazwok depends on libtaz2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Add patch for superswitcher I forgot2011-02-22, by Antoine Bodin
- Up: slitaz-base-files (4.2)2011-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- mirror-tools: add shellinabox script2011-02-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: tazwok (4.1)2011-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix: assaultcube/receipt (I was on it Chris...)2011-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fixed assaultcube.2011-02-22, by Christopher Rogers
- php: need openldap to build2011-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: tazwok (4.0) - New function, improvement and use each time a clean chroot to build package2011-02-22, by Christophe Lincoln