wok log compiz-libcompizconfig/receipt

age author description
17 months ago Pascal Bellard Update some current_version
2021-06-08 Pascal Bellard Add current_version for most github hosted softwares
2020-01-10 Hans-G?nter Theisgen updated compiz packages ( -> 0.8.14)
2018-12-15 Pascal Bellard Update some bdeps
2016-06-17 Xander Ziiryanoff Up compiz* (0.8.12)
2015-03-13 Pascal Bellard compiz-libcompizconfig: cmake 3.1 seems need CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION
2013-08-12 Pascal Bellard compiz-libcompizconfig: no more /etc ?
2013-08-10 Pascal Bellard Add some GPL2 licenses
2012-04-20 Christophe Lincoln Some fix to xorg meta packages and compiz-libcompizconfig
2012-04-20 Christophe Lincoln compiz-libcompizconfig: fix dep and use protobuf
2012-04-20 Christophe Lincoln Add compiz meta package (Compiz/LXDE work fine)
2011-11-03 Pascal Bellard Add from wok-undigest: compiz-ccsm compiz-compizconfig-python compiz-core compiz-core-dev compiz-libcompizconfig compiz-libcompizconfig-dev compiz-plugins-main compiz-plugins-main-dev cppunit cppunit-dev cpuspeed cssed