wok rev 20458

Up amule (2.3.2)
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Wed Oct 10 10:43:41 2018 +0200 (2018-10-10)
parents c344508ff4eb
children c2946aeb8b57
files amule/receipt linld/receipt linld/stuff/src/!COMPILE.BAT linld/stuff/src/!COMPILEX.BAT linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP linld/stuff/src/LOAD.CPP linld/stuff/src/TAZBOOT.CPP linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk
line diff
     1.1 --- a/amule/receipt	Tue Oct 09 18:50:30 2018 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/amule/receipt	Wed Oct 10 10:43:41 2018 +0200
     1.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     1.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     1.6  PACKAGE="amule"
     1.7 -VERSION="2.3.1"
     1.8 +VERSION="2.3.2"
     1.9  CATEGORY="network"
    1.10  SHORT_DESC="An eMule-like client for the eD2k and Kademlia networks."
    1.11  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
    1.12 @@ -23,6 +23,15 @@
    1.13  		$CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    1.14  	make $MAKEFLAGS &&
    1.15  	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
    1.16 +	./configure \
    1.17 +		--prefix=/usr \
    1.18 +		--disable-monolithic \
    1.19 +		--enable-amule-daemon \
    1.20 +		--enable-amulecmd \
    1.21 +		--enable-webserver \
    1.22 +		$CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    1.23 +	make $MAKEFLAGS &&
    1.24 +	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
    1.25  }
    1.27  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
     2.1 --- a/linld/receipt	Tue Oct 09 18:50:30 2018 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/linld/receipt	Wed Oct 10 10:43:41 2018 +0200
     2.3 @@ -11,14 +11,20 @@
     2.4  BASE_SITE="http://busybox.net/~vda/$PACKAGE"
     2.5  WEB_SITE="$BASE_SITE/README.txt"
     2.7 +EXTRA_TOOL_URL="ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/gnuish/mawk122x.zip"
     2.8 +EXTRA_TOOL="$(basename $EXTRA_TOOL_URL)"
    2.11  BUILD_DEPENDS="dosbox upx"
    2.13  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    2.14  compile_rules()
    2.15  {
    2.16 +	[ -s $SRC/$EXTRA_TOOL ] ||
    2.17 +	busybox wget -O $SRC/$EXTRA_TOOL $EXTRA_TOOL_URL
    2.18  	mv DIST $src 2> /dev/null
    2.19  	cd $src
    2.20 +	unzip $SRC/$EXTRA_TOOL
    2.22  	cp $stuff/src/* LINLD$SUFFIX/
    2.23  	cp -a LINLD$SUFFIX TAZBOOT
     3.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/!COMPILE.BAT	Tue Oct 09 18:50:30 2018 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/!COMPILE.BAT	Wed Oct 10 10:43:41 2018 +0200
     3.3 @@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
     3.4 -path ..\BC31;%PATH%
     3.5 +path ..\BC31;..;%PATH%
     3.6  call !clean.bat
     3.7  tasm /h > helptasm.log
     3.8  bcc > helpbcc.log
     3.9  tlink > helptlink.log
    3.10  bcc @bccopt.opt -S -mt -DLARGE_IMAGES *.cpp > cpp.log
    3.11 +ren LINLD.ASM LINLD.ASO
    3.12 +ren LOAD.ASM LOAD.ASO
    3.13 +ren HIMEM.ASM HIMEM.ASO
    3.14 +mawk -f pipehole.awk < LINLD.ASO > LINLD.ASM
    3.15 +mawk -f pipehole.awk < LOAD.ASO > LOAD.ASM
    3.16 +mawk -f pipehole.awk < HIMEM.ASO > HIMEM.ASM
    3.17  tasm /la /m /dLARGE_IMAGES *.asm > asm.log
    3.18  tlink /m /s /t @link.cmd > lnk.log
     4.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/!COMPILEX.BAT	Tue Oct 09 18:50:30 2018 +0200
     4.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/!COMPILEX.BAT	Wed Oct 10 10:43:41 2018 +0200
     4.3 @@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
     4.4 -path ..\BC31;%PATH%
     4.5 +path ..\BC31;..;%PATH%
     4.6  call !clean.bat
     4.7  bcc @bccopt.opt -S -mt -DLARGE_IMAGES *.cpp > cpp.log
     4.9 +ren LOAD.ASM LOAD.ASO
    4.10 +ren HIMEM.ASM HIMEM.ASO
    4.11 +ren ISO9660.ASM ISO9660.ASO
    4.12 +mawk -f pipehole.awk < TAZBOOT.ASO > TAZBOOT.ASM
    4.13 +mawk -f pipehole.awk < LOAD.ASO > LOAD.ASM
    4.14 +mawk -f pipehole.awk < HIMEM.ASO > HIMEM.ASM
    4.15 +mawk -f pipehole.awk < ISO9660.ASO > ISO9660.ASM
    4.16  tasm /la /m /dEXTRA /dNO386 /dLARGE_IMAGES *.asm > asm.log
    4.17  tlink /m /s /t @linkx.cmd > lnk.log
     5.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP	Tue Oct 09 18:50:30 2018 +0200
     5.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP	Wed Oct 10 10:43:41 2018 +0200
     5.3 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     5.4  		//x->curdirofs += SECTORSZ;
     5.5  		*(int *)((char *) &x->curdirofs+1) += SECTORSZ/256;
     5.6  		x->curdirsize -= DIRSECTORSZ;
     5.7 -		x->curpos &= 0;
     5.8 +		x->curpos = 0;
     5.9  	}
    5.10  	p = buffer + x->curpos;
    5.11  	if ((size = * (short *) p) == 0)
     6.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/LOAD.CPP	Tue Oct 09 18:50:30 2018 +0200
     6.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/LOAD.CPP	Wed Oct 10 10:43:41 2018 +0200
     6.3 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     6.4  */
     6.6  struct kernelparams_t {
     6.7 -    u8      setup_sects;    // 01F1 The size of the setup in sectors
     6.8 +    s8      setup_sects;    // 01F1 The size of the setup in sectors
     6.9                              //      boot sector is NOT included here
    6.10      u16     ro_flag;        // 01F2 If set, the root is mounted readonly
    6.11      u16     syssize;        // 01F4 DO NOT USE - for bootsect.S use only:
     7.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/TAZBOOT.CPP	Tue Oct 09 18:50:30 2018 +0200
     7.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/TAZBOOT.CPP	Wed Oct 10 10:43:41 2018 +0200
     7.3 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     7.4  static void next_chunk(struct image_himem *m)
     7.5  {
     7.6  	struct initrd_info *i = &initrd_state.info[m->state];
     7.7 -	m->chunk_size &= 0;
     7.8 +	m->chunk_size = 0;
     7.9  	if (m->state >= initrd_state.cnt) return;
    7.10  	lseekset(m->fd,i->ofs);
    7.11  	m->chunk_size = i->size;
    7.12 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
    7.13  	if (!m->size) return;
    7.14  	m->next_chunk = next_chunk;
    7.15  	m->fd = isofd;
    7.16 -	m->state &= 0;
    7.17 +	m->state = 0;
    7.18  	next_chunk(m);
    7.19  	load_initrd();
    7.20  }
    7.21 @@ -133,9 +133,9 @@
    7.22  			read(x->fd, &x->filemod, 10); // + x->fileofs & x->filesize
    7.23  			magic = x->filemod;
    7.24  			//x->fileofs &= 0xFFFFL;
    7.25 -			* ((short *) &x->fileofs + 1) &= 0;
    7.26 +			* ((short *) &x->fileofs + 1) = 0;
    7.27  			//x->fileofs -= 0xC0L + (x->filesize &= 0xFFFF);
    7.28 -			* ((short *) &x->filesize + 1) &= 0;
    7.29 +			* ((short *) &x->filesize + 1) = 0;
    7.30  			x->fileofs -= 0xC0L + x->filesize;
    7.31  			if (((short *) &x->fileofs)[1] == 0) addinitrd();
    7.32  			else init="";
     8.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk	Wed Oct 10 10:43:41 2018 +0200
     8.3 @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
     8.4 +BEGIN { hold=0 }
     8.5 +function isnum(n) { return match(n,/^[0-9+-]/) }
     8.6 +{
     8.7 +	if (hold == 0) {
     8.8 +		s=$0
     8.9 +		if (/^	mov	.x,bx$/ || /^	mov	.x,.i$/) {
    8.10 +			hold=1; split($2,regs,","); next
    8.11 +		}
    8.12 +		if (/^	inc	e?.[ix]/ || /^	dec	e?.[ix]/) {
    8.13 +			hold=2; r=$2; next
    8.14 +		}
    8.15 +		if (/^	mov	[abcds][ix],/ && ! /,.s/) {
    8.16 +			hold=3; split($2,regs,","); next
    8.17 +		}
    8.18 +		if (/^	movzx	eax,ax$/) { hold=4; next }
    8.19 +if (0) {
    8.20 +		if (/^	cmp	dx,-1$/) { hold=10; next }
    8.21 +}
    8.22 +	}
    8.23 +	else if (hold == 1) {
    8.24 +		hold=0; split($2,args,","); op=""
    8.25 +		if ($1 == "add") op="+"
    8.26 +		if ($1 == "sub") op="-"
    8.27 +		if (op != "" && regs[1] == args[1] && isnum(args[2])) {
    8.28 +			print "\tlea\t" regs[1] ",[" regs[2] op args[2] "]"
    8.29 +			next
    8.30 +		}
    8.31 +		print "\tmov\t" regs[1] "," regs[2]
    8.32 +	}
    8.33 +	else if (hold == 2) {
    8.34 +		hold=0; split($2,args,","); print s
    8.35 +		if ($1 == "or" && r == args[1] && r == args[2]) next	# don't clear C ...
    8.36 +	}
    8.37 +	else if (hold == 3) {
    8.38 +		hold=0
    8.39 +		if (/^	add	[abcds][ix],/ || /^	sub	[abcds][ix],/) {
    8.40 +			split($2,regs2,",")
    8.41 +			if (regs[1] == regs2[1] && (regs2[2] == "offset" || isnum(regs2[2]))) {
    8.42 +				t=$0; sub(/mov/,$1,s)
    8.43 +				if ($1 == "add") sub(/add/,"mov",t); else sub(/sub/,"mov",t)
    8.44 +				print t; print s; next
    8.45 +			}
    8.46 +		}
    8.47 +		print s
    8.48 +	}
    8.49 +	else if (hold == 4) {
    8.50 +		hold=0
    8.51 +		if (/^	push	eax$/) {
    8.52 +			print "	push	0"; print "	push	ax"; next
    8.53 +		} else { print s }
    8.54 +	}
    8.55 +	else if (hold == 10) {
    8.56 +		if ($1 == "je" || $1 == "jne") { s2=$0; cmp=$1; hold++; next }
    8.57 +		hold=0; print s
    8.58 +	}
    8.59 +	else if (hold == 11) {
    8.60 +		if (/^	cmp	ax,-1$/) { s3=$0; hold++; next }
    8.61 +		hold=0; print s; print s2
    8.62 +	}
    8.63 +	else if (hold == 12) {
    8.64 +		if (($1 == "je" || $1 == "jne") && $1 != cmp) {
    8.65 +			print "	and	ax,dx"; print "	inc	ax"
    8.66 +		} else { print s; print s2; print s3 }
    8.67 +		hold=0
    8.68 +	}
    8.69 +	s=$0
    8.70 +	# These optimisation may break ZF or CF
    8.71 +	if (/^	add	sp,4/) { print "	pop	cx"; print "	pop	cx"; next }
    8.72 +	if (/^	mov	d*word ptr .*,0$/ || /^	mov	dword ptr .*,large 0$/) {
    8.73 +		sub(/mov/,"and",s); print s; next	# slower
    8.74 +	}
    8.75 +	if (/^	mov	d*word ptr .*,-1$/ || /^	mov	dword ptr .*,large -1$/) {
    8.76 +		sub(/mov/,"or",s); print s; next	# slower
    8.77 +	}
    8.78 +	if (/^	or	.*,0$/ || /^	and	.*,-1$/) next
    8.79 +	if (/^	or	[abcd]x,/) {
    8.80 +		split($2,args,",")
    8.81 +		if (isnum(args[2]) && args[2] >= 0 && args[2] < 256) {
    8.82 +			print "	or	" substr(args[1],1,1) "l," args[2]; next
    8.83 +		}
    8.84 +	}
    8.85 +	if (/^	and	[abcd]x,/) {
    8.86 +		split($2,args,",")
    8.87 +		if (isnum(args[2]) && args[2] >= -255 && args[2] < 0) {
    8.88 +			print "	and	" substr(args[1],1,1) "l," args[2]; next
    8.89 +		}
    8.90 +	}
    8.91 +	if (/^	or	e[abcd]x,/) {
    8.92 +		split($2,args,",")
    8.93 +		if (args[2] == "large") { args[2] = $3 }
    8.94 +		if (isnum(args[2]) && args[2] >= 0 && args[2] < 256) {
    8.95 +			print "	or	" substr(args[1],2,1) "l," args[2]; next
    8.96 +		}
    8.97 +	}
    8.98 +	if (/^	and	e[abcd]x,/) {
    8.99 +		split($2,args,",")
   8.100 +		if (args[2] == "large") { args[2] = $3 }
   8.101 +		if (isnum(args[2]) && args[2] >= -255 && args[2] < 0) {
   8.102 +			print "	and	" substr(args[1],2,1) "l," args[2]; next
   8.103 +		}
   8.104 +	}
   8.105 +	if (/^	or	e[abcds][ix],/) {
   8.106 +		split($2,args,",")
   8.107 +		if (args[2] == "large") { args[2] = $3 }
   8.108 +		if (isnum(args[2]) && args[2] >= 0 && args[2] < 65536) {
   8.109 +			print "	or	" substr(args[1],2) "," args[2]; next
   8.110 +		}
   8.111 +	}
   8.112 +	if (/^	and	e[abcds][ix],/) {
   8.113 +		split($2,args,",")
   8.114 +		if (args[2] == "large") { args[2] = $3 }
   8.115 +		if (isnum(args[2]) && args[2] >= -65535 && args[2] < 0) {
   8.116 +			print "	and	" substr(args[1],2) "," args[2]; next
   8.117 +		}
   8.118 +	}
   8.119 +	if (/^	add	word ptr/ || /^	sub	word ptr/) {
   8.120 +		split($0,args,",")
   8.121 +		if (isnum(args[2]) && (args[2] % 256 == 0)) {
   8.122 +			sub(/word/,"byte",s); sub(/\]/,"+1]",s)
   8.123 +			print s "/256"; next
   8.124 +		}
   8.125 +	}
   8.126 +	if (/^	add	dword ptr/ || /^	sub	dword ptr/) {
   8.127 +		split($0,args,",")
   8.128 +		if (args[2] == "large") { split(args[2],args," ") }
   8.129 +		if (isnum(args[2])) {
   8.130 +			if (args[2] % 16777216 == 0) {
   8.131 +				sub(/dword/,"byte",s); sub(/\]/,"+3]",s)
   8.132 +				print s "/16777216"; next
   8.133 +			}
   8.134 +			if (args[2] % 65536 == 0) {
   8.135 +				sub(/dword/,"word",s); sub(/\]/,"+2]",s)
   8.136 +				print s "/65536"; next
   8.137 +			}
   8.138 +		}
   8.139 +	}
   8.140 +	if (/^	mov	e.x,/) {
   8.141 +		split($2,args,",")
   8.142 +		r=args[1]
   8.143 +		if (args[2] == "large") { args[2] = $3 }
   8.144 +		if (isnum(args[2]) && args[2] % 65536 == args[2]) {
   8.145 +			if (args[2] % 256 == args[2] || args[2] % 256 == 0) {
   8.146 +				print "	xor	" r "," r
   8.147 +				if (args[2] == 0) next 
   8.148 +				x="	mov	" substr(r,2,1)
   8.149 +				if (args[2] % 256 == 0) {
   8.150 +					print x "h," args[2] "/256"
   8.151 +				}
   8.152 +				else { print x "l," args[2] }
   8.153 +				next
   8.154 +			}
   8.155 +		}
   8.156 +	}
   8.157 +	print
   8.158 +}