wok rev 21542

fix fusedav
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Sun May 05 18:36:52 2019 +0200 (2019-05-05)
parents ce3da0799929
children dc8896841a46
files fusedav/receipt ncurses-examples/receipt syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/taziso
line diff
     1.1 --- a/fusedav/receipt	Sun May 05 17:24:47 2019 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/fusedav/receipt	Sun May 05 18:36:52 2019 +0200
     1.3 @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     1.4  # Rules to configure and make the package.
     1.5  compile_rules()
     1.6  {
     1.7 -	cd $src
     1.8 +	sed -i 's|attr/xattr.h|sys/xattr.h|;s|ENOATTR|ENODATA|' src/fusedav.c
     1.9  	sed -i 's/range64/range/' src/filecache.c
    1.10  	./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/bin \
    1.11  	--disable-lynx \
     2.1 --- a/ncurses-examples/receipt	Sun May 05 17:24:47 2019 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/ncurses-examples/receipt	Sun May 05 18:36:52 2019 +0200
     2.3 @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
     2.4  WEB_SITE="https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses-examples.html"
     2.5  WGET_URL="https://invisible-mirror.net/archives/$PACKAGE/$TARBALL"
     2.7 -DEPENDS="ncurses"
     2.8 +DEPENDS="ncurses perl"
     2.9  BUILD_DEPENDS="ncurses-dev"
    2.11  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    2.12 @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
    2.13  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    2.14  genpkg_rules()
    2.15  {
    2.16 -    	mkdir -p $fs/usr
    2.17 -    	cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr
    2.18 +    	cp -a $install/usr $fs
    2.19 +    	mkdir -p $install/usr/share/man $install/usr/share/doc
    2.20 +    	cp $src/*.6 $install/usr/share/man
    2.21 +    	cp $src/README $install/usr/share/doc
    2.22  }
     3.1 --- a/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/taziso	Sun May 05 17:24:47 2019 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/taziso	Sun May 05 18:36:52 2019 +0200
     3.3 @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     3.4  get()
     3.5  {
     3.6  	od -v -j $1 -N ${4:-${3:-2}} -t u${3:-2} -w${3:-2} -An "$2" 2>/dev/null ||
     3.7 -	hexdump -v -s $1 -n ${4:-${3:-2}} -e "\"\" 1/${3:-2} \" %d\n\"" "$2"
     3.8 +	hexdump -v -s $1 -n ${4:-${3:-2}} -e "\"\" 1/${3:-2} \" %u\n\"" "$2"
     3.9  }
    3.11  bytes2bin()
    3.12 @@ -31,15 +31,17 @@
    3.14  gettazboot()
    3.15  {
    3.16 -	echo "Creating $(basename $1) ..."
    3.17 +	echo -e "\nCreating $(basename $1) ..."
    3.18 +	X=$(($(get 20 /mnt/$ISO) - 0xC0))
    3.19 +	[ $X -lt 30000 ] && X=$((0x7FF0))
    3.20  	O=$(($(get 64 "$ISO") - 0xC0))
    3.21 -	L=$(($(get 20 "$ISO") - 0xC0 - $(get 24 "$ISO") - $O))
    3.22 +	L=$(($X - $(get 24 "$ISO") - $O))
    3.23  	S=$((32+$L))
    3.24  	P=$((($S+511)/512))
    3.25  	E=$((4096-(32*$P)))
    3.26  	words2bin 0x5A4D $(($S%512)) $P 0 2 $E -1 $((${2:-0}-16)) \
    3.27  			-2 0 256 -16 28 0x6C53 0x5469 0x7A61 > $1
    3.28 -	ddq bs=1 count=$L skip=$(echo $O) if="$ISO" >> $1
    3.29 +	ddq bs=1 count=$(echo $L) skip=$(echo $O) if="$ISO" >> $1
    3.30  }
    3.32  uncpio()
    3.33 @@ -78,8 +80,7 @@
    3.34  	PAD=$(($(stat -c %s $1) % 4))
    3.35  	[ $PAD -ne 0 ] && ddq if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$((4 - $PAD)) >> $1
    3.36  	mkdir -p /tmp/fs$$/etc /tmp/fs$$/lib /tmp/fs$$/home
    3.37 -	cp -a /etc/locale.conf /tmp/fs$$/etc 2> /dev/null
    3.38 -	cp -a /etc/keymap.conf /tmp/fs$$/etc 2> /dev/null
    3.39 +	cp -a /etc/locale.conf /etc/locale.conf /tmp/fs$$/etc 2> /dev/null
    3.40  	cat > /tmp/fs$$/init1 <<EOT
    3.41  #!/bin/sh
    3.42  sed -i 's|sbin/init|init2|' /init
    3.43 @@ -89,7 +90,7 @@
    3.44  #!/bin/sh
    3.46  mount -t proc /proc /proc
    3.47 -for i in /lib/*.ko* ; do insmod \$i 2> /dev/null ; done; sleep 2
    3.48 +for i in /lib/modules/*.ko* ; do insmod \$i 2> /dev/null ; done; sleep 2
    3.49  v=\$(sed '/\\/home=/!d;s|.*/home=\\([^ ]*\\).*|\\1|' /proc/cmdline /cmdline 2> /dev/null)
    3.50  mount / -o remount,rw
    3.51  mkdir /mnt/dos
    3.52 @@ -113,10 +114,12 @@
    3.53  fi
    3.54  $([ "$2" ] || echo '# ')mount.posixovl -F \$mnt -- -oallow_other -odefault_permissions -osuid
    3.55  mount --bind \$mnt /home
    3.56 +mount -o size=0,ro -t tmpfs tmpfs \$mnt
    3.57  umount /proc
    3.58  exec /sbin/init
    3.59  EOT
    3.60  	chmod 755 /tmp/fs$$/init?
    3.61 +	ln -s /sqfs/bin/gzip /bin 2> /dev/null
    3.62  	( cd /tmp/fs$$ ; find * | cpio -o -H newc ) | gzip -9 >> $1
    3.63  	rm -rf /tmp/fs$$
    3.64  }
    3.65 @@ -128,8 +131,8 @@
    3.66  	for i in bin lib dev proc tmp mnt etc ; do
    3.67  		mkdir -p $fs/$i
    3.68  	done
    3.69 -	for i in /dev/console /dev/null /dev/tty /dev/tty0 /dev/tty1 /dev/tty2 \
    3.70 -		 /dev/fuse /dev/hd* /dev/sd* ; do
    3.71 +	for i in /dev/null /dev/tty /dev/tty[012] /dev/fuse /dev/[hs]d* \
    3.72 +			/dev/console ; do
    3.73  		cp -a $2$i $fs/dev/
    3.74  	done
    3.75  	for i in /bin/busybox $(which mount.posixovl) $(which blkid); do
    3.76 @@ -137,6 +140,7 @@
    3.77  		sed 's|.*=> \(.*/lib/l[^ ]*\).*|\1|;/^\//!d') $fs/lib
    3.78  		cp $i $fs/bin
    3.79  	done
    3.80 +	cp -a /sqfs/lib/ld-* /tmp/fs/lib 2> /dev/null ||
    3.81  	cp -a /lib/ld-* $fs/lib
    3.82  	for i in $(busybox | sed '/Current/,$!d'); do
    3.83  		[ -e $fs/bin/${i%,} ] || ln -s busybox $fs/bin/${i%,}
    3.84 @@ -176,7 +180,7 @@
    3.85  fi
    3.86  $([ "$3" ] || echo '# ')mount.posixovl -F /mnt/\$val -- -oallow_other -odefault_permissions -osuid
    3.87  mount --bind /mnt /mnt/\$val/mnt/dos
    3.88 -mount -o size=0 -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/\$val/mnt/dos/\$val
    3.89 +mount -o size=0,ro -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/\$val/mnt/dos/\$val
    3.90  LDSO=\$(ls /mnt/\$val/lib/ld-* | sed q)
    3.91  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$val/lib:\$val/usr/lib:/lib
    3.92    [ "$debug" = "true" ] && sh
    3.93 @@ -239,11 +243,12 @@
    3.94  		$media/README $media/boot/memtest* ; do
    3.95  		[ -s $i ] && cp $i $mnt/slitaz/boot
    3.96  	done
    3.97 -	for i in $mnt/slitaz/boot/memtest $mnt/slitaz/boot/*pxe* ; do
    3.98 +	for i in $mnt/slitaz/boot/memtest $mnt/slitaz/boot/*pxe ; do
    3.99  		[ $(get 0 $i 2> /dev/null || echo 0) -eq 23117 ] &&
   3.100  		mv $i $i.exe
   3.101  	done
   3.102  	bzimage=$(cd $mnt/slitaz/boot ; ls bzimage*)
   3.103 +	cp /etc/keymap.conf /etc/locale.conf $mnt/slitaz/etc 2> /dev/null
   3.104  	gettazboot $mnt/slitaz/boot/tazboot.exe	# autoappend 64 suffix
   3.105  	unix2dos > $mnt/slitaz/boot/tazboot.cmd <<EOT
   3.106  kernel=/slitaz/boot/bzimage
   3.107 @@ -672,7 +677,7 @@
   3.109  mkfloppy()
   3.110  {
   3.111 -	dotwait "Create a $(basename $1) boot floppy"
   3.112 +	dotwait "Create a $(basename $1 .exe) boot floppy"
   3.113  	ddq if=$1 of=/dev/fd0
   3.114  	mkfat12 $1
   3.115  	rm -f /tmp/wait
   3.116 @@ -696,7 +701,7 @@
   3.117  {
   3.118  	gotcdfile '?pxe*'
   3.119  	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
   3.120 -		$DIALOG --clear --title " Create $(basename $file).exe ? " \
   3.121 +		$DIALOG --clear --title " Create $(basename $file .exe).exe ? " \
   3.122  			--yes-label "Install" --yesno \
   3.123  "\nBoot your operating system from the internet and enjoy a full system
   3.124  working entirely in RAM with speed and stability in mind. The Linux Kernel
   3.125 @@ -704,8 +709,8 @@
   3.126  from the Web using PXE and HTTP protocols.\n" 0 0
   3.127  		[ $? -eq 0 ] || return
   3.128  	fi
   3.129 -	cp $file $(basename $file).exe
   3.130 -	du -h $PWD/$(basename $file).exe
   3.131 +	cp $file $(basename $file .exe).exe
   3.132 +	du -h $PWD/$(basename $file .exe).exe
   3.133  }
   3.135  fdpxe()