sup log

age author description
2019-02-26 Pascal Bellard Remove ashism ==default tip
2017-04-20 Leonardo Laporte Add pt_BR.po
2017-03-18 Christophe Lincoln Fast remove (thanks to tazpkg code)
2017-03-11 Aleksej Bobylev Update ru.po
2017-03-10 Paul Issott Tiny edits
2017-03-10 Christophe Lincoln Push some work on the french translation
2017-03-10 Christophe Lincoln Improve package info
2017-03-10 Christophe Lincoln Smal fix and up pot/msgmerge
2017-03-10 Christophe Lincoln Improve update
2017-03-10 Christophe Lincoln Add support for downloads, tiny debug command and improve README (main doc)
2017-03-09 Christophe Lincoln Let users have $local to build packages
2017-03-08 Christophe Lincoln Improvment and fixes after some usage/testing
2017-03-01 Christophe Lincoln Fix wrong path for installed package (Tanks Paul for proofreading :-)
2017-02-28 Paul Issott Tiny edits
2017-02-28 Christophe Lincoln Use cook_date in place of build_date
2017-02-28 Aleksej Bobylev Add ru.po
2017-02-28 Christophe Lincoln Add run command, small fixes, getting ready for initial release
2017-02-28 Christophe Lincoln Improve download function
2017-02-28 Christophe Lincoln Add update to help/usage
2017-02-28 Christophe Lincoln Lots of improvments, implement 'update' cmdline tool handle SQLite packages db
2017-02-28 Christophe Lincoln Out put text/plain for packages.sql md5sum
2017-02-27 Christophe Lincoln Server return packages.sql md5sum
2017-02-27 Christophe Lincoln Small fix to path in sup.cgi
2017-02-27 Christophe Lincoln Small fix to CGI hub
2017-02-27 Christophe Lincoln Online Hub is now usable (can be see on SCN) - many improvments and SQLite functions to create packages.sql
2017-02-27 Paul Issott Tiny edits and update POT
2017-02-27 Christophe Lincoln More intuitive new package command
2017-02-27 Christophe Lincoln sup.cgi: some fixes, better page look
2017-02-27 Christophe Lincoln Better clean up on upload errors
2017-02-27 Christophe Lincoln Use tank path in server/sup/sup.cgi
2017-02-27 Christophe Lincoln Small fix to sup cmdline tool and huge imprivments to the online Hub (upload packages)
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Some small fixes and update POT
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Small typo and up a bit of the french translation (to test i18n functions)
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Add remove command nd improve install
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Better help a source tree structure
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Make pot and msgmerge
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Some improvmend on the cosmetic side
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Fix sup-install.desktop
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Remove skel (built in command for new packages) - back to 'receip' in sup-demo package
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Fix BSD Licence (Thank Alexeii)
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Fix for invalid user
2017-02-26 Christophe Lincoln Back to 'receip' so sup and tazpkg package are same but different (sup is much more simple) and yes, this time we use: receip
2017-02-26 Paul Issott Tiny edits (receip -> receipt)
2017-02-24 Paul Issott Typo
2017-02-24 Paul Issott Tiny edits (typo receip? y/n)
2017-02-24 Christophe Lincoln Add BSD COPYING file
2017-02-24 Christophe Lincoln Add SCN base plugins to start playing a bit more :-)
2017-02-24 Christophe Lincoln Add sup and (for beta testing/playing)
2017-02-24 Christophe Lincoln Add Makefile
2017-02-24 Christophe Lincoln Add i18n files
2017-02-24 Christophe Lincoln Add packages example and demo
2017-02-24 Christophe Lincoln Add data/ directory with mime file
2017-02-24 Christophe Lincoln Improve README
2017-02-24 Christophe Lincoln Initial commit with the README